1. Global Goals Forum

October 10, 2019

2030 Agenda: Are We Running Out Of Time?

The countdown is on – only 10 years are left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In this context, the macondo foundation and the Global Compact Network Germany invite you to the Global Goals Forum, which is to be held in conjunction with the GCNG annual conference in Berlin on October 10, 2019. The Forum will draw a balance on the progress made since the inception of the 2030 Agenda five years ago and explore how to enhance the business contribution to the SDGs over the coming decade.

It will start by recapitulating the results of the UN Summits on Climate Action and on the SDGs this Summer. Building on that, a high-level multistakeholder panel discussion will deliberate the role of business in securing progress toward 2030 Agenda in the context of an increasingly fragile multilateral system. Thereafter, challenges and opportunities for business on key issues connected to the SDGs will be discussed in practice-oriented workshops.

The Forum will conclude with an inspiring dialogue between visionary leaders on the way forward toward an inclusive and sustainable future by 2030.

The Global Goals Forum sees itself as a “marketplace of ideas.” At a time of increasing unpredictability in the international order, the conference provides a platform for leaders from politics, business, and civil society to discuss key challenges on the global agenda, such as tackling inequity, climate change, and corporate responsibility.


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